Advisory Services

At Katie Cox & Company, we excel through our Advisory Services so that you, the business owner, can reach your individual goals and dreams for your business. Planning and preparation is the key to success and we want you to be successful in all aspects of your life.

Our Advisory Services are designed to transfer knowledge, shortcuts, and expertise that work while keeping you compliant along with the most up-to-date ever-changing tax laws and tax advantages.

Most traditional CPA/EA firms focus on transactional items with no planning or education. Our firm does the transactional items, but we provide education, solutions, and most importantly the implementation of your firm’s specific needs while executing our best practice strategies for the success of your business.

Our advisory services are meeting one on one between 5-6 hours specific to your situation and are designed to provide the best possible results for your business goals. Some of the items in our advisory is as follows:

  • Entity Structure Planning for your Business/Which one is best for your situation
  • Tax Planning/Strategizing
  • Corporation-LLC Income Strategies
  • Cash Flow Planning using your Corporation-LLC
  • Business Operations and Documentation/What is needed
  • Independent Contractor versus Employee Analysis
  • Company Fringe Benefits -Maximize fringe benefits for the owners/officers
  • Income shifting to help decrease tax liability/increase retirement
  • Retirement Accounts – what is the difference/what is the best for your company
  • What is truly a business expense/how to maximize your deductions
  • What is your why, most people do not really know, together let’s figure it out
  • And SO much more during this one-on-one Advisory Service meeting

If you are ready to take your business to the next level or are thinking about starting your business by taking a leap of faith, it can be a stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be. At Katie Cox & Co, we will take away that stress so you can focus solely on the talent that God has given you. God gives you the desires of your heart and makes all your plans succeed. His plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. He has an assignment on your life, and it demands a new normal for you. You are not like everyone else. Once you step out in faith, there are people waiting on the other side of you doing what you were meant to do. And we will help you get there!